Sunday 8 May 2016

Dean's Guide - Comfort is performance

Lesson 2 - Comfort is performance

Comfort is everything and above all, especially when training or walking. To have a healthy lifestyle, walking is easiest way to ensure you are in track with your body. Did you know that the suggested target for healthy adults is 10,000 steps per day? That is a lot of steps, and of course you need the perfect shoe to ensure your feet remain comfortable.

So what makes a training shoe comfortable? Well for starters, it should be comfortable immediately with no break-in period because nobody should wait for a shoe to loosen up when there is still work to be done. It should remain breathable and flexible to provide its maximum potential. The shoe should be the right fit and durable in quality for it to be enough to go the distance.

I would like to present my first and only training/casual shoe, the Addidas ZX Flux. This is honestly, the greatest training shoe I have ever bought and I really am starting to appreciate their wide variety. As an athlete myself, I truly enjoy the flexibility this shoe provides for me as I use it for many casual occasions also. I have used this shoe whilst playing basketball and going to the gym. The shoe provides soft insoles which enables the user to experience a full padded cushioned landing and groundbreaking launch. It also guarantees great traction whether it may be in concrete, hardwood or even dirt & grass. 

Honestly, there are a variety of options that are designed & constructed to support your passion for physical fitness & recreation. Countless brands in the market such as Nike, Underarmour, Asics and many more have a variety of  high caliber, performance enhancement footwear that will satisfy your need. Just like my Addidas ZX Flux, there are a wide range of colour variations and different material combination such as leather trimming or the new addidas technology "Boost" that are designed to improve your performance and comfortability.

My final tip to you is to ensure comfort is a priority in your desired footwear. Just like the saying "If the shoe don't fit, don't wear it" (or something like that). Have a happy shoe hunting and I hope you all had a great Mother's Day! (in Australia)

Your fellow sneaker head,

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